Jul 01,2022
Manual pipette tips are packaged in a variety of ways to meet the different needs of the laboratory. A common choice is a shelf in which each tip is securely secured in a designated slot. The shelf allows easy access, arrangement and protection of the suction head. Some shelves are designed for single-head retrieval, while others allow multiple heads to be loaded at once.
Another packaging option is hinged cover racks. These shelves come with a cover that can be opened and closed to protect the suction head when not in use. The lid ensures that the suction head remains clean and free from contamination.
Supplemental systems are another convenient option. They are designed to effectively replenish empty suction mounts. Refilling systems typically include a mechanism to transfer the suction head from the bulk package to the empty rack, thereby minimizing downtime during the replacement of the suction head.

Bulk packaging is a popular choice for laboratories with large pipetting volumes. These packages contain a large number of pipette suction heads, reducing the frequency of ordering and replenishment. This option is cost-effective and ideal for high-throughput laboratories.
Zip-lock bags are also used to pack manual pipette suction heads. These resealable bags help maintain head integrity and cleanliness. They are usually in large numbers to meet the needs of high throughput.
In some cases, the pipette suction heads can be stacked or nested in the dispenser box. Stacked suction heads are easy to remove, place and fit into the pipette, while the dispense box keeps the suction heads organized and protected.
For applications requiring sterile suction heads, manufacturers offer sterile packaging. The suction heads can be packaged individually or in a sealed sterile bag to ensure contamination-free pipetting.
In response to environmental concerns, some manufacturers offer eco-friendly packaging options. These options are designed to reduce plastic waste and potentially use recyclable materials.
Bulk packaging is particularly beneficial for high-throughput laboratories. It reduces the frequency of reordering and restocking, while often saving on the cost of each tip. However, it is essential to ensure that bulk packaging maintains the quality and sterility of the suction heads throughout use.