Jul 01,2022
Some common problems associated with automated pipette tips include dripping, clogging, and contamination. Here are some ways to prevent or resolve these problems:
Dripping: Dripping may occur due to poor tip installation, insufficient prewetting, or over-pitting. To prevent dripping, make sure the pipette tip is securely attached to the pipette. Before pipetting, prewet the tips by aspirating liquid several times. Avoid overpiping or overdispensing to reduce the possibility of liquid remaining in the tip.
Blockage: Blockage in the pipette guide can occur when pipetting viscous or thick liquids, or when using small-diameter tips. Clogging can be minimized by using tips suitable for the type of liquid being pipetted. For viscous liquids, it can be helpful to use a tip with a wider opening. If the tip becomes clogged during pipetting, eject the tip and replace it with a clean tip.
Contamination: Contamination can occur through the use of contaminated tips or cross-contamination between different samples. To prevent infection, it is common to use new tips for each sample or experiment. Avoid touching the inside of the tip with your hands or other items that may introduce contaminants. For packages requiring higher sample purity, use filtered pipette tips.

Tip sealing issues: Sometimes, tips may not seal properly on the pipette, resulting in leaks or volume transfer errors. Make sure the pipette tip is properly aligned and fits snugly on the pipette. If the problem persists, try tips from other manufacturers to find the best fit for your pipette.
Tip compatibility: Some pipettes may have compatibility issues with certain brands or types of tips. Make sure that the tips you use are compatible with the pipette model you are using. If you are unsure about nozzle compatibility, check the manufacturer's specifications or contact customer support.
Regular maintenance and cleaning of pipettes is also crucial to ensure optimal performance. Proper pipetting technique, including slow and controlled dispensing, also helps prevent problems such as splashing or aerosol formation.